Children's Ministry

in-person children's church details
Preschool to Grade 8 children can join us for in-person worship as part of Children’s Church every Sunday at 9:45AM. There is no need for pre-registration. Parents can proceed to the second floor reception area to check-in and pick-up their children before (9:45AM) and after (11:00AM) the English Service.
AWANA has started and goes until June 2025. The Awana program is for kids in JK-Gr.6 and runs every Sunday from 11:15AM to 12:45PM. Click here to register for your child.
The toddler room is a facility for children to learn more about God through simple interactions with Bible stories and simple praise songs. This will be available for English worship service starting September 8th from 9:30AM - 11:00AM. To register for your child, click here.
The nursery is available during our English service for new parents and infants to use on a self-serve basis, but are more than welcome to join us in the sanctuary as well.
If you are interested in being a part of the preschool teaching staff, please contact Pastor Wesley Lim.